MRCPP comes with a timer class which can be used by the host program:
#include "MRCPP/Timer"
class Timer¶
Records wall time between the execution of two lines of source code.
Public Functions
Timer(bool start_timer = true)¶
- Parameters:
start_timer – [in] option to start timer immediately
- Returns:
New Timer object
Timer(const Timer &timer)¶
- Parameters:
timer – [in] Object to copy
- Returns:
Copy of Timer object, including its current state
Timer &operator=(const Timer &timer)¶
- Parameters:
timer – [in] Object to copy
- Returns:
Copy of Timer object, including its current state
void start()¶
Start timer from zero.
void resume()¶
Resume timer from previous time.
void stop()¶
Stop timer.
double elapsed() const¶
- Returns:
Current elapsed time, in seconds
Timer(bool start_timer = true)¶
The timer records wall (human) time, not CPU user time. The clock will by default start immediately after construction, and will keep running until explicitly stopped. The elapsed time can be evaluated while clock is running:
mrcpp::Timer timer; // This will start the timer
mrcpp::project(prec, tree, func); // Do some work
double t = timer.elapsed(); // Get time since clock started while still running
The timer can also be started explicitly at a later stage after construction, as well as explicitly stopped after the work is done. Then the elapsed() function will return the time spent between start() and stop():
mrcpp::Timer timer(false); // This will not start the timer
timer.start(); // This will start the timer
mrcpp::project(prec, tree, func); // Do some work
timer.stop(); // This will stop the timer
double t = timer.elapsed(); // Get time spent between start and stop