Programmers manual


To ensure modern coding conventions are followed developers are encouraged to run clang-tidy on the code. Ensure clang-tidy is installed. Then to display available checkers run:

$ clang-tidy --list-checks -checks='*' | grep "modernize"

This will generate a list looking like this:

$ modernize-avoid-bind
$ modernize-deprecated-headers
$ modernize-loop-convert
$ modernize-make-shared
$ modernize-make-unique
$ modernize-pass-by-value
$ modernize-raw-string-literal
$ modernize-redundant-void-arg
$ modernize-replace-auto-ptr
$ modernize-replace-random-shuffle
$ modernize-return-braced-init-list
$ modernize-shrink-to-fit
$ modernize-unary-static-assert
$ modernize-use-auto
$ modernize-use-bool-literals
$ modernize-use-default-member-init
$ modernize-use-emplace
$ modernize-use-equals-default
$ modernize-use-equals-delete
$ modernize-use-noexcept
$ modernize-use-nullptr
$ modernize-use-override
$ modernize-use-transparent-functors
$ modernize-use-using

To run any of these modernization’s on the code, go to your build directory. From there run the command:

$ run-clang-tidy -header-filter='.*' -checks='-*,modernize-your-modernization' -fix