
The core features of MRCPP are parallelized using a shared memory model only (OpenMP). This means that there is no intrinsic MPI parallelization (e.i. no data distribution across machines) within the library routines. However, the code comes with a small set of features that facilitate MPI work and data distribution in the host program, in the sense that entire FunctionTree objects can be located on different machines and communicated between them. Also, a FunctionTree can be shared between several MPI processes that are located on the same machine. This means that several processes have read access to the same FunctionTree, thus reducing the memory footprint, as well as the need for communication.

The MPI features are available by including:

#include "MRCPP/Parallel"

The host program

In order to utilize the MPI features of MRCPP, the MPI instance must be initialized (and finalized) by the host program, as usual:

MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

int size, rank;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); // Get MPI world size
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); // Get MPI world rank


For the shared memory features we must make sure that the ranks within a communicator is actually located on the same machine. When running on distributed architectures this can be achieved by creating separate communicators for each physical machine, e.g. to split MPI_COMM_WORLD into a new communicator group called MPI_COMM_SHARED that share the same physical memory space:

// Initialize a new communicator called MPI_COMM_SHARE

// Split MPI_COMM_WORLD into sub groups and assign to MPI_COMM_SHARE

Note that the main purpose of the shared memory feature of MRCPP is to avoid memory duplication and reduce the memory footprint, it will not automatically provide any work sharing parallelization for the construction of the shared FunctionTree.

Blocking communication

template<int D>
void mrcpp::send_tree(FunctionTree<D> &tree, int dst, int tag, mrcpp::mpi_comm comm, int nChunks)

Send FunctionTree to a given MPI rank using blocking communication.

The number of memory chunks must be known before we can send the tree. This can be specified in the last argument if known a priori, in order to speed up communication, otherwise it will be communicated in a separate step before the main communication.

  • [in] tree: FunctionTree to send

  • [in] dst: MPI rank to send to

  • [in] tag: unique identifier

  • [in] comm: Communicator that defines ranks

  • [in] nChunks: Number of memory chunks to send

template<int D>
void mrcpp::recv_tree(FunctionTree<D> &tree, int src, int tag, mrcpp::mpi_comm comm, int nChunks)

Receive FunctionTree from a given MPI rank using blocking communication.

The number of memory chunks must be known before we can receive the tree. This can be specified in the last argument if known a priori, in order to speed up communication, otherwise it will be communicated in a separate step before the main communication.

  • [in] tree: FunctionTree to write into

  • [in] src: MPI rank to receive from

  • [in] tag: unique identifier

  • [in] comm: Communicator that defines ranks

  • [in] nChunks: Number of memory chunks to receive


A blocking send/receive means that the function call does not return until the communication is completed. This is a simple and safe option, but can lead to significant overhead if the communicating MPI processes are not synchronized.

mrcpp::FunctionTree<3> tree(MRA);

// At this point tree is uninitialized on both rank 0 and 1

// Only rank 0 projects the function
if (rank == 0) mrcpp::project(prec, tree, func);

// At this point tree is projected on rank 0 but still uninitialized on rank 1

// Sending tree from rank 0 to rank 1
int tag = 111111; // Unique tag for each communication
int src=0, dst=1; // Source and destination ranks
if (rank == src) mrcpp::send_tree(tree, dst, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if (rank == dst) mrcpp::revc_tree(tree, src, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

// At this point tree is projected on both rank 0 and 1

// Rank 0 clear the tree
if (rank == 0) mrcpp::clear(tree);

// At this point tree is uninitialized on rank 0 but still projected on rank 1

Shared memory

class mrcpp::SharedMemory

Shared memory block within a compute node.

This class defines a shared memory window in a shared MPI communicator. In order to allocate a FunctionTree in shared memory, simply pass a SharedMemory object to the FunctionTree constructor.

Public Functions

SharedMemory(mrcpp::mpi_comm comm, int sh_size)

SharedMemory constructor.

  • [in] comm: Communicator sharing resources

  • [in] sh_size: Memory size, in MB

template<int D>
void mrcpp::share_tree(FunctionTree<D> &tree, int src, int tag, mrcpp::mpi_comm comm)

Share a FunctionTree among MPI processes that share the same physical memory.

This function should be called every time a shared function is updated, in order to update the local memory of each MPI process.

  • [in] tree: FunctionTree to write into

  • [in] src: MPI rank that last updated the function

  • [in] tag: unique identifier

  • [in] comm: Communicator that defines ranks


The sharing of a FunctionTree happens in three steps: first a SharedMemory object is initialized with the appropriate shared memory communicator; then this object is used in the FunctionTree constructor; finally, after the FunctionTree has been properly computed, a call must be made to the share_tree function. The reason for the last function call is that the internal memory pointers needs to be updated locally on each MPI process whenever the shared memory window has been updated.

// Get rank within the shared group
int rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_SHARE, &rank);

// Define master and worker ranks
int master = 0;
int worker = 1;

// The tree will be shared within the given communicator
int mem_size = 1000; //MB
mrcpp::SharedMemory shared_mem(MPI_COMM_SHARE, mem_size);
mrcpp::FunctionTree<3> tree(MRA, shared_mem);

// Master rank projects the tree
if (rank == master) mrcpp::project(prec, tree, func);

// When a shared function is updated, it must be re-shared
int tag = 333333; // Unique tag for each communication
mrcpp::share_tree(tree, master, tag, MPI_COMM_SHARE);

// Other ranks within the shared group can update the tree
if (rank == worker) tree.rescale(2.0);

// When a shared function is updated, it must be re-shared
mrcpp::share_tree(tree, worker, tag, MPI_COMM_SHARE);